Self Assessment Essay

A New Writer’s Beginning 

The Course English 110 has shown me that to be a writer it doesn’t only take being good at English and being able to form a sentence, it takes being able to connect to those you’re writing for and having a personal connection to the topic you’re writing about. throughout my journey in this class, I have learned many skills that have improved me not only as a writer but also as an editor to help those who have written beside me. To prove to you how far my writing skills have come I’ve written about how I’ve achieved all the 8-course learning objectives required in this class.I will prove to you that I’ve achieved these course learning outcomes by stating pieces from my own work, that I’ve done in class. 

Examine how attitudes towards linguistic standards empower and oppress language users

I remember when we read an excerpt of Jamila Lyiscott’s TED Talk “3 ways to speak English ” we read it word for word and even though it was a powerful piece, the terms didn’t feel the same as they did in her actual performance. When watching the video you can feel the feelings like anger and bravery behind every word she spoke. This is an example of “attitude”, words like disgusting, angry, and flabbergasted can make a significant change in your writing.

To add on when Lysiscott’s states,”and sometimes in class i might pause the intellectual sounding flow to ask “yo, why these books never be about my people””. In these evidence you can see how linguistic standard oppresses language user, since many have to ask why their “kind” arent apart of the books they are reading.  By comparing the performance to the citations from the text and examining how the attitude the speaker uses in her performance has affected how the listener reacts to a certain message being delivered,  I have achieved the course-learning outcome, Examining how attitudes toward linguistic standards empower and oppress language users.

Explore and analyze, in writing and reading, a variety of genres and rhetorical situations.

As stated in Phase 2: Part 1 by genesis duran 

“In the TED talk there are many rhetorical strategies being used, but there is one that is used more

than others. The strategy that is used the most is LOGOS. Since logos are used to make a specific

point across by using techniques like sharing real-life examples, factual data/statistics, quotations

, and more, this is the strategy that is most suited for this text since those techniques were what

the speaker mostly used. The purpose for Saleem to use these very technics is because using facts

and the real-life situation is one of the strongest forms to get a central idea or opinion across to

others. “

With this evidence, you can see that I have successfully achieved the learning outcome, Recognizing and practicing key rhetorical terms and strategies when engaged in writing situations by analyzing a text/piece of evidence and writing on how to connect to the rhetorical strategy LOGOS. 

Recognize and practice key rhetorical terms and strategies when engaged in writing situations

as stated in part 3 phase 2 by Genesis Duran

“In this poem, there are many different rhetorical strategies but one strategy that you can see a lot

is PATHOS. For example in parts of the poem where it states:

“Since nothing is what you hear when i speak

Since nothing is what you see when i speak

Nothing is what i am to you”

You can really feel the author’s frustration when being treated unfairly just because of the way

they look or hear. By using words like “nothing” the audience can feel a stronger emotion because

of how rough and powerful the word is. The purpose behind genesis adding these sentences is

most likely to connect to the part of her audience that has once been treated unfairly because of

the way they sound when they speak or look.”

This evidence shows that I have achieved the course learning objective, Recognizing and practicing key rhetorical terms and strategies when engaged in writing situations because this evidence is me practicing key rhetorical terms and strategies by writing my own poem and adding rhetorical terms like LOGOS, PATHOS, and ETHOS and then analyzing it to show you where I’ve used these terms and what’s[ the meaning behind them. 

Develop strategies for reading, drafting, collaborating, revising, and editing

The course learning outcome, Developing strategies for reading, drafting, collaborating, revising, and editing, was achieved the most during phase 3 while finishing my research essay. I achieved this course learning outcome by giving my peers my essay for them to read and using their advice on how to make my essay better. To add, I also went to the writing center that helped me learn different ways to improve my grammar and how to properly cite my sources. To add on i also dedicated an hour to pure editing and revising my essay before I submit the final draft.  

Locate research sources (including academic journal articles, magazine and newspaper articles) in the library’s databases or archives and on the Internet and evaluate them for credibility, accuracy, timeliness, and bias.

I have achieved the course learning outcome of, Locating research sources (including academic journal articles, magazines, and newspaper articles) in the library’s databases or archives and on the Internet and evaluating them for credibility, accuracy, timeliness, and bias. This is so because I located 8 different sources for my research paper,1 scholarly resource,2 multimedia, and 4 non-scholarly sources and i evaluated them by writing summaries and researching about them. 

Compose texts that integrate a stance with appropriate sources, using strategies such as summary, analysis, synthesis, and argumentation.

Excerpt from research paper 

“Evidence that supports the claim that immigrants face discrimination in their work life is, “Researchers found that 70% of the 2,000 people surveyed perceived that immigrants experienced discrimination in the workplace due to skin color or accent” (Flores). By using these percentages and

numbers Juan Flores strongly backs up his claim that many immigrants face unfairness

and discrimination in work because of where they are from.” 

This evidence shows that i have achieved the course learning outcome of, Composing texts that integrate a stance with appropriate sources using the strategies summarizing and synthesizing.

Practice systematic application of citation conventions.

Work cited page from a research essay 

“Works Cited

“Adairs, Jennifer K. “Migration Policy Institute |” Accessed 08 November 2022.

Bhasin, Asses. “National Partnership for Women & Families.” Accessed 08 November 2022.”

This evidence from my work cited page shows that I have achieved the course learning outcomes of, Practicing systematic application of citation conventions, because I cited in MLA format all 8 of my used sources.  

Understand and use print and digital technologies to address a range of audiences.

I have achieved the course learning outcome of, Understanding and using print and digital technologies to address a range of audiences because I have shared all my work with classmates, professors, and others through email, paper copies, and meetings.